Take Advantage of DEA Auction Deals Today
Ray La FoyIf you’ve ever wondered what Santa’s workshop might look like a few days before Christmas, visit a DEA auction. With items up for grabs that run the gamut, it’s likely just about anyone who goes will find some they just can’t live without.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency finds itself in possession of an odd variety of things. When these things are seized from the bad guys, they very often end up at DEA auctions for anyone to have a chance to bid on. But what exactly can be found at DEA auctions? Let’s take a look.
Vehicles: DEA auctions are famous for the selection of cars, trucks, SUVs and even motorcycles. The makes, models and years of these cars will range greatly, but what’s offered is generally at a very good price. The quality, too, can range greatly, so it is up to buyers to be wary enough to check into the deals. While the DEA won’t knowingly mislead, it’s still a good idea to check records, take a look at the vehicles closely and research models you’re interested in for price comparisons and so on.
Recreational vehicles: Boats, ski jets, RVs and more can also all be found at DEA auctions. When these are used in the commission of a felony, they can be seized and resold for tax payers’ gain. The deals on this end can also be quite impressive along with the selection.
Computers: Since computers very often are used in the commission of felonies, these, too, can be found at DEA auctions. From laptops to PCs, the deals can be amazing.
Electronics: Everything from camera equipment to televisions, radios, DVD players and beyond will find their way into government auctions. The quality and selection will vary from auction to auction, but when they can be had, the deals can be huge.
Real estate: Houses, land and even condos can sometimes find themselves in government auctions, such as DEA auctions. The pricing here will vary, but generally there are some pretty darn good deals to be had.
Looking for government and DEA auctions can take a little savvy. These are not all the time. When they are, they tend to be pretty big events. Generally, there will be advertisements for these auctions in newspapers or online.
Auction finding programs can come in handy for locating these, too. Since these programs are designed to hunt down all kinds of possibilities in a set area, they really can take the guess work out of finding DEA auctions before they happen.
Remember, when you’re looking at DEA auctions or any auctions for that matter, it’s important to be a little picky about what you bid on. Since the items are used, it’s up to you to check them out as much as possible and decide what’s a good buy and what’s not. Research the possibilities when you can in advance.
DEA auctions can be very good places to look for just about anything under the sun. Finding these auctions when it’s time to buy a car, boat or even a house can save you some serious cash. Plus, they’re just fun to watch.
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