Cameraman’s Kit What Tools Should I Carry In My Run Bag?}

Cameraman’s Kit – What tools should I carry in my Run Bag?


Harvey Glen

What should a Cameraman/Director of Photography carry in their Run Bag?

A Run Bag is the Cameramans bag of essential tools. It should go everywhere the Shooter goes and never leave his side.

A Professional Cameraman/DOP is defined by the Tools he carries. There are over 50 run bag essentials and to be a successful cameraman you should always be fully prepared with the right gear.

Start building up your own run bag now, 9 items you should always carry are:

1. Multi-Purpose Tool.

Should include pliers, and scissors for cutting gels


2. Black Gaffer Tape.

Should be matt and 2inch wide. Good for fixing almost anything and taping down cables. Being matt helps reduce the reflection from lights (if in frame).

3. One inch White Camera Tape.

Good for setting marks for talent, labelling up boxes and equipment

4. Black sharpie pen.

For labeling up equipment

5. Velcro Cable Ties.

Use these for your own personal cables. These will keep all your cables neat and tidy and easily identifiable. You can reuse them over and over

6. Lens Cloth.

Essential for keeping your lens clean. Keep this handy at all times and don’t use it for anything else.

7. Clear Foundation Powder.

When the budget doesnt stretch to a professional Makeup artist, transparent powder is the life saver ensuring your contributors / talent dont look shiny. Production will love you for it!

8. Mini Clapper board.

To sync sound, especially when you are working with a HDSLR camera and recording sound separately.

9. Varying BNC adaptors.

These will continuously get you out of trouble

Why should a cameraman also carry a transparent pencil case, a shower cap and a pair of tights?! Find out when you download your Cameraman Guides at How To Become a Cameraman (link below)

To become a successful Cameraman / DOP and to find out what else you need in your run bag, go to http://www.howtobecomeacameraman.comTo receive free top tips and more, subscribe to today. DOP BLOG is a great resource for DOPs, cameramen, photographers and anyone who just loves to get behind the lens and shoot!

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Cameraman’s Kit – What tools should I carry in my Run Bag? }